Meet Our Team! – Juniors

Ava – Vice President

Years On Team: 3

Sub-Team(s): Build

Reason(s) For Joining Current Sub-Team(s): Build is better

Hobbies: Yes (crocheting like an old person)

Future Plans/ Career Goals: go into the animal science field

Why Are You On The Team: to build and complete with epic robots

What Type Of Pasta Noodle Describes You Best: the pasta that’s shaped like characters/animals, specifically the dinosaur one

Trent – President

Years On Team: 3

Sub-Team(s): Programming, Electrical, Media

Reason(s) For Joining Current Sub-Team(s): I have always had an interest in programming, and electrical came with that, I decided to join the Media team my sophomore year due to a shortage of media team members, and have stuck with it since.

Hobbies: Tipping over the Robot and finding New ways to solve old problems.

Future Plans/ Career Goals: Accelerated Masters Degree In Computer Science

Why are you on the team: I have been involved with FIRST since I was in 5th grade, I started in FLL and slowly worked my way up to being on the Warlocks.

What type of pasta noodle describes you best: Orecchiette


Years On Team: 1

Sub-Team(s): Programming

Reason(s) For Joining Current Sub-Team(s): I Take A Course Similar In Boces

Hobbies: Videos games , Robotics

Future Plans/ Career Goals: Environmental Science degree and a job in that field.

Why are you on the team: I Thought I Would Be Useful Because I Am In Boces

What type of pasta noodle describes you best: Fettuccini