Our goal with community outreach is to spread the message of First Robotics. We aim to inspire young people with technology and science, while also spreading gracious professionalism and the core values of the First community.


Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the exocrine system. That causes a buildup of mucus leading to damaging blockages. Cystic Fibrosis treatments have come a long way. In 1980 the life expectancy for a patient with CF was 14. Forty-One years later now in 2023, the life expectancy is 53. The Warlocks have been raising money to contribute to the development of treatments for seventeen years and we hope to continue to help all we can in the future.

The CF Great Strides walk event will be held this year on Saturday, May 20th, in Williamsville New York.  The link to the page for details is below.  Join us in person or online.  Please help us once again raise awareness and funds to make Great Strides toward a cure.


Warlocks Hold Their First Meat Raffle – 3/4/23

Senator Ortt Visiting The Warlocks At LHS – 3/2/23

Assemblyman Norris visits the Warlocks at LHS-2/9/23

Warlocks Spread First to AMJHS-1/24/23

Warlock Volunteers help out with FLL-7/12/22

Warlocks showing off 2022 season robot at GM Buy American Day-8/20/22

Warlocks booth at Erie County Fair getting kids excited about FIRST-8/10/22-8/21/22

Warlocks Emmet Belknap Presentation- 6/22/22

Bottle Can Drive-1/21/23

Warlocks get the cub scouts ENERGIZED for FIRST-5/12/22

Warlocks get the girl scouts CHARGED UP for the upcoming season-11/12/22