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Meet Our Team! - Sophomores

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Name: Dominic Reppentine

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: Build, Safety Team Trainee

Hobbies: Playing Video Games and Football with friends. Also hanging out with friends on sundays during build season.

Future Plans/Career Goals: I would like to go to RIT for CAD related classes and get Masters in said classes.

Favorite Memory about Robotics: When we went to Cleveland and almost went undefeated and up until that last match and all the partying in the area next to the arena with our alliance and the opposing alliance all as one. I just love this memory because it was two separate alliances that both very badly wanted to win having fun with the other.

Reason for joining the Warlocks: I wanted to join the team because it allows me to talk with people and work with other people to achieve something that it would take most close to 6 months to complete to get it done in 6 weeks.

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Name: Evan Smeal

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: Build

Hobbies: Robotics

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Name: Robyn Hammond

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: CAD, PR

Hobbies: Cross Country, Track, Reading, Video Games, Hanging with friends

Future Plans/Career Goals: Going to college; Majoring in mathmatics or finances

Favorite Memory about Robotics: Going to the mall in Cleveland

Reason for joining the Warlocks: I enjoy learning new things and contributing what I can to a team. I've done CAD classes in middle school and wanted to continue learning more about it and helping with the CAD team.

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Name: Kees VanBourgandien

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: CAD

Hobbies: I participate on the Lockport football team, which I was one of three permanent captains, this year. I also take part on the Lockport track and field. Video Games and reading books, are basically considered hobbies in my view. Hanging out with my friends. Watching Netflix,especially watching Blue Mountain State.

Future Plans/Career Goals: Going To a Division I college, and majoring in Astronomy. Soon after that I would like to enter NASA with a degree in Astronomy. Studying the stars and exploring space would be pretty [Pun Redacted]

Favorite Memory about Robotics: Venturing to Cleveland with the team was very exciting and a great experience. The taste of victory was pretty good too.

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Name: Kenny Handley

Years on Team: 4

Sub-Team: Programming

Hobbies: Snowboarding, hunting, fishing, kayaking, video games, sports, and Robotics

Future Plans/Career Goals: Becoming a military engineer

Favorite Memory about Robotics: Being at championship, and becoming 15th in the world, even though we lost we still had tons of fun, and worked with other teams to help them win the competition

Reason for joining the Warlocks: I knew it would be an interesting experience and would improve my skills in real life situation

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Name: Logan Krieger

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: Programming

Hobbies: In my free time, I play video games, reading, and robotics

Future Plans/Career Goals: Going to college at ITT Tech and getting a technical degree

Favorite Memory about Robotics: My favorite memory in robotics is when i first programed a robot and got to see it work.

Reason for joining the Warlocks: I joined the team because i wanted to learn more about programing and about robots and how they are made.

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Name: Madeline Amerine

Years on Team: 1

Sub-Team: CAD

Hobbies: Playing music, reading, playing video games, and watching TV

Future Plans/Career Goals: I plan on going to a 4 year college, and majoring in a science field.

Favorite Memory about Robotics: [Rookie]

Reason for joining the Warlocks: I joined the team because robotics was something I loved during middle school, and I wanted to be involved.

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Name: Patrick Topolski

Years on Team: 2


Hobbies: Robotics

Future Plans/Career Goals:

Favorite Memory about Robotics:

Reason for joining the Warlocks:

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Name: Matt Simiele

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: Build

Hobbies: I play soccer for Lockport High School and a travel soccer team. I also am in band and play the trumpet. Another hobby of mine is playing Fifa.

Future Plans/Career Goals: My future plans/goals are to go to college and major in engineering. Get a well paying job so I can support my amazing future family.

Favorite Memory about Robotics: My favorite memory about robotics would have to be the Regional in Cleveland last year. The atmosphere of the entire event was amazing.

Reason for joining the Warlocks: I joined the robotics team because i am interested in the topic. I also like the ideas of being involved in engineering and math.

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Name: Nick Brounscheidel

Years on Team: 2

Sub-Team: Programming

Hobbies: Video games, reading, hunting, hiking, robotics, recreational sports.

Future Plans/Career Goals: Attend college at R.I.T. Become a computer engineer/scientist and work at a Googleplex.

Favorite Memory about Robotics: Going to the regional competitions and competing.

Reason for joining the Warlocks: To learn more about STEM and to help earn scholarships. It is also very fun.

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