FIRST is not just FRC. FIRST is a series of programs that offer an exciting, educational, inspirational experience for our kids from grade school through high school. Even if you don't know FRC from FTC, from FLL, it's all explained here.
JrFLL - Junior FIRST Lego League is a program for kids ages 6 to 9 that lets kids use their natural curiosity to explore science and technology. It uses Lego™ bricks to build moving models. This program instills at an early age team building concepts, problem solving skills and cooperative ethics in a fun and exciting way. Learn more about Junior FLL here.
FLL - FIRST Lego League. After JrFLL, kids step up to the big league with FLL. We have three Lego League teams in the Lockport School District and many of our high school students are graduates of this program. FLL is for middle-school students, 9-14 years old, and continues with the use of Lego™ Mindstorms products to build working robots to solve thier challenge. At this level, real programming as well as use of math and science skills is key. These kids are serious and put some real energy and creative thinking into their game. Learn more about FLL here and here.
FTC - FIRST TECH Challenge is the newest FIRST program. It is a grade 7-12 level program based around the TETRIX® robotics platform which lets them build advanced robots using reusable kit components. The programming is more versatile, uses real world programming languages, and gets more complex as does the challenge. This program is ideal for schools that can't support a FRC team, don't have enough students for FRC or as a supplement to a FRC team. It also begins with grade 7 students, so it's a natural bridge between FLL and FRC. The program continues emphasizing teamwork skills and cooperative sportsmanship while encouraging science and technology. You can reaad more about FTC here.
FRC - FIRST Robotics Competition. This is the top level of FIRST programs and the one that the Warlocks participate in. Designed for High School students, it revolves around full-sized robots in the 120 pound range. They use indusrial controls and are programmed in industry-standard programming languages that challenge the mentors as much as the students! But it's not about the robot. FRC lets students experience real-life situations like they will encounter later in college and career: working with engineers and professional people, under budget and time constraints, and with no clear directions, only your wits to solve complex programs while working in a team environment. It's known as "The Hardest Fun Ever." The official FIRST web site explains much more as well as this web site.
All the FIRST programs are international in scope and have regional competitions in many areas. Championship competitions are held for the best to attend and are a highlight that both challenges and rewards the participants.
Dean Kamen has said that when he was talking to people about forming FIRST Robotics, they kept telling him about this Woodie Flowers guy and that they had to meet. So he did and they hit it off. Woody became co-founder of FIRST along with Dean.
Woodie C. Flowers graduated with a BS from Louisiana Polytechnic Institute in 1966. He earned an M.S., M.E. and Ph.D. at M.I.T. and became an Assistant Professor there in 1972. He took over the M.I.T. "Introduction to Design" class in 1974 in which he gave students a set of random parts such as small motors, wire and tongue depressors. Students were told to build a device that would perform some specific function. He treated it as a competition something like a sporting event, with dynamic challenges for the robots.
These competitions were televised on PBS' Discover the World of Science show through the '80s and '90s. Woody became a full professor in 1988.
He hosted a show carried on PBS called Scientific American Frontiers. His replacement when he left was Alan Alda.
He is now an emeritus professor of mechanical engineering at M.I.T. and holds the Pappalardo Professorship and is a MacVicar Faculty Fellow. He continues to serve at M.I.T. as a professor of Mechanical Engineering and as Director of the New Products Program there.
During the time he ran the Intro to Design and Manufacturing course and competitions, Dr. Flowers realized one of the most important concepts he wanted to get across to the students was not mechanical at all, but the idea "Compete like crazy, but treat each other well" which he gave the name Gracious Professionalism. He brought that concept with him to FIRST.
One of the most prestigious awards granted by FIRST - probably the most prestigious award given to an individual - is the Woody Flowers Award. In recognition of his leadership and promoting the concept of Mentorship within FIRST, it is bestowed on a Mentor (team advisor) each year. The award celebrates effective communication in the art and science of engineering/design and recognizes mentors who lead, inspire and empower those around them by using excellent communication skills. The award is given at each regional and an overall award winner is selected from regional winners at the Championship event each year. The award itself, a clever ball-bearing race twisted into a Moebius strip, is highly prized and a cherished item to those who earn it.
While Dean Kamen is highly respected and admired in the FIRST community, it is Woody Flowers who seems to really be beloved and sought-out by the students. His kind and caring yet firm, 'tell-it-like-it-is' demeanor has endeared him to many a FIRST team member.